Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Study and Design of Accounting and Management Information Systems

Data analytics and research

Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT)

Enterprise architecture and implementation reviews

IT infrastructure and network consultancy

Systems and Software Remediation

Resource and capacity assessment

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Operations

Assist in the preparation of feasibility studies of new project and expansion schemes

Assist in finding solutions for specific business problems such as product mix decisions, pricing decisions, and making representation to Government on various matters etc.

Appraisal of personnel policies and practices.

Assist in the selection of executive personnel in the areas of production, marketing, accounts, data processing, personnel, general administration etc.

Risk Mitigation

Governance risk

Control Assurances

Design and Documentation of Standard Operating Procedures

Business Performance Enhancement

Compliance and Assurance services

IT risk management and effectiveness

Economic analysis

Risk Based Internal Audits

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